
DefinitionA 1031 Exchange (Tax-Deferred Exchange) is One Of The Most Powerful Tax Deferral Strategies Remaining Available For Taxpayers. This allows the taxpayer to pay due taxes at a later date. In usual transactions, the landowner pays a percentage of his gain from the sale for taxes. But Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code allows …
Are you looking to finance a new home? Or are you finding the best mortgage rate to refinance your home? The first step is to shop around. But what does that really mean? Research and prepare. Take time to think and analyze different mortgage plans. You could save a lot by doing this. Take this …
Buyers are now in a better position when it comes to buying a house. Gone are the days when real estate is a hot market and you need to make an upfront offer as soon as a property is put up for sale. Competition has mellowed down in most areas. This gives buyers an opportunity …
Their major responsibility is to protect your interest as a buyer and as their client. Their main roles are the following: Educates you about your market. Negotiates on your behalf Analyzes your wants and needs. Guides you to homes that fit your criteria. Coordinates the work of other needed professionals. Checks and double-checks paperwork and deadlines. …
Buying a home is expensive. A lot of people want to have a home of their own but do not have enough cash or can’t get enough funding to afford a mortgage. On the other hand some people are looking for ways to be able to take advantage of tax benefits from being a home …
Are you looking to finance a new home? Or are you finding the best mortgage rate to refinance your home? The first step is to shop around. But what does that really mean? Research and prepare. Take time to think and analyze different mortgage plans. You could save a lot by doing this. Take this …