Before you put up that “For Sale” sign, make sure that your house is ready for showing. First impressions are very important. You need to attract the buyers at first sight so you can catch their interest. You may think your effort won’t be necessary especially if you’re in a hot market. But a good …
When you decide to sell your home, one of the things you’ll need to do is to determine an asking price. This can be difficult because you need to find a balance between attracting good offers and getting a high profit. As you figure it out, you’ll learn about fair market value, which means the …
If you sell your house looking like a model home, chances are you’ll sell it for a good price. This technique is called home staging. Sellers acknowledge the importance of home staging that it has become a fast-growing profession. “Staging is not decorating. Decorating is optional, staging is mandatory in order to sell the house …
If you’re thinking of selling your home, prep up your kitchen. Homebuyers put a premium on the kitchen. Families do a lot of things in the kitchen – preparing meals, sharing meals, sorting through bills, and just hanging out. According to a recent survey by SieMatic Corp., 85% respondents said that the condition of a …
Determining the price of your home is crucial to the sale. Wrong pricing could either cause your house to stay longer in the market or could mean getting less from the actual value of your home. This is why sellers opt to pay $300 to $400 to have their homes appraised before putting it on …
Buyers in general are more attracted to houses with fireplaces. They give a warm and cozy feel. They usually become the centerpiece of a room. Fireplaces add to the aesthetic appeal of a house. They also keep houses warm during cold times. Even though there are already other possible sources for heat, it can still …